Our GDPR Policy
Dog House drones take people’s rights under the ‘General Data Protection Regulations’ (GDPR) very seriously. To this end, we feel it important that we advertise our GDPR Policy in order that our clients and the general public may be assured with the steps we take to prevent or mitigate any potential breaches of this protective legislation. The key GDPR considerations when conducting a drone survey are:
- The type of sensors being used together with the sensor’s capabilities.
- Where the flight project is being conducted.
- The purpose for the collection of data.
Every drone flight should be considered on a case-by-case basis with appropriate planning, governance, oversight, and control so as to create an efficient and effective GDPR policy.
Our GDPR Assurances
- We will pre-warn the relevant public of our flight details and expected duration.
- We will restrict drone flight activity to the minimum parameters for the project.
- We will only collect data that is required for the specific purpose of the drone survey.
- We will not include any identifiable human images in our data collection.
- We will not include any identifiable vehicles images in our data collection.
- We will not include any identifiable property images in our data collection.
- We will ensure that all collected data is stored safely and responsibly.
- We will retain data for the shortest time possible and dispose of it appropriately.
- We will not share any collected data with anybody other than the respective client.
- We will create a ‘Data Protection Impact Assessment’ for any area of GDPR concern.
- We will be transparent in our compliance with GDPR rules.
- We will advertise our ‘Privacy Policy’ on our website.